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For successful toilet training, timing is essential. Because age isn’t the only element in selecting when to begin toilet training, it’s more crucial that your child is emotionally and physically ready.

When toilet training begins before a child is ready, it can go wrong and cause frustration for everyone. Although each child is unique, there are certain universal indicators of a child who is ready for toilet training.

How then can you determine when your child is prepared for transition from diapers to the toilet? Here are several indications that the child is prepared:

1. They display indications of interest in the potty, toilet, or underwear

They might accomplish this in a number of ways, including:

  • They are motivated by cleanliness or staying dry.
  • They want to know what you are doing when you use the toilet.
  • They desire “big kid” underwear.

The optimal moment to start for your youngster can be determined by carefully observing any indications of interest.

2. They know when they go

Instead of relying on your own abilities to spot their “tells”, such as a red face or making a particular expression, look for your child’s own knowledge of needing to use the restroom.

This can also happen when He/she poops on a predictable schedule and is a bit aware of it.

Pretty obvious indications that your youngster needs to go or is about to go include:

  • To urinate or defecate, they enter a private room.
  • They go into hiding behind objects or drapes.
  • While peeing or pooping, kids touch or gesture at their diaper.

3. Their independence is being expressed

Your child is likely ready to begin toilet training once they begin using phrases like “I can do it myself”—especially when it comes to bathroom habits, but also in areas like clothing and feeding.

The independence of your child can also be seen in their eagerness to explore new things.

4. They demand that their diapers be changed since it is damp or soiled

Please be aware that a child’s physical fitness for potty training and their regular ability to keep their diaper dry during naps are strongly correlated.

Also keep in mind that because many kids wear diapers that are extremely absorbent, it could be harder to discern if a child is actually dry.

5. They can follow directions

Adults find using the restroom to be straightforward. The lengthy process of recognising the need to use the restroom, quickly locating a restroom, turning on the light, removing pants and underwear, sitting on the potty, using the restroom, wiping, flushing the toilet, and finally washing their hands can be difficult for some children.

It’s important to keep in mind that following instructions that require several steps requires skill, which takes time.

6. They have good gait and speed

Since toddlers’ bathroom needs are frequently unexpected and a potty isn’t always nearby, it’s crucial that your child is able to reach the toilet in time to avoid an accident. They are not prepared if they are still having trouble running and walking.

You can access the learning social stories of SUNRISE LEARNING, from the TELEGRAM RESOURCES on https://t.me/sunriselearning

To get our Toilet Training social story book (hard copy), please contact us at bookmyorder@sunriselearning.in

We feel the article, The Essential Items for Toilet Training, would be of interest for you. 

If this all seems too overwhelming for you, don’t worry. We have curated a course on Toilet Training which is now available online.

Toilet training Mini course for Parents, Teachers, Therapists, Support Workers

This course is for guidance for parents, Parents, Teachers, Therapists, Support Workers on how to toilet train young children.

The procedures and approach for toilet training are taught in this course. The course divides toilet training into simple, understandable, and achievable sections and offers a wealth of ideas and advice based on first-hand experience.

If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to write us at contactus@suniselearning.in

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