Announcing the PEP22: OPEN for enrolments.

This Program is for parents of children (aged 1.5 to 4 years) with neurodiverse conditions (like speech delay, developmental delay, intellectual challenges, autism spectrum, ADHD) For 30 days, the parents work with their children, and learn to work on these.


  • to build a trusting relationship
  • to develop PLAY, peer interaction & “calm”
  • to meaningfully engage your child & still manage “me” time
  • to bring compliance (& instruction following)
  • to develop communication skills (non-verbal & speech)
  • to teach social rules & other social skills
  • to teach life skills (toileting/ eating/ sleeping)
  • to build language & expand vocabulary
  • to manage sensory difficulties (Pressure seeking/ defensive/ Visual, Auditory, Tactile, feeding, oro-motor & sleeping issues)
  • to teach skills & pre-academics (pre-reading, pre-writing, pre-math)
  • to manage difficult behaviors
  • to bring independence in learnt tasks
  • to deal with complex emotions, and manage anxiety & anger to help in GROWING UP challenges
  • to make an INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PLAN (IEP) for your child

UNDERSTAND the whys and hows of everything your child experiences ! Because your child is a “child” and not a “diagnosis” or a set of challenges ! He/she needs a rich social conducive environment to play, learn & grow, and not isolated therapies !

Meet the TEAM PEP22

Senior professionals who will support & guide you in this program

Dr Sonali Kataria (Autism Specialist Doctor & parent)

Dr Shruti Singh (Early Intervention Consultant)

Ms Ritu Saini (Early Intervention Therapist, Special Educator, parent)

Ms Srilalitha (Speech & Language Pathologist & Psychologist)

Ms Vandana Gautam (AAC Facilitator, ICT Educator & parent)

Dr Feroz Khan OT (Occupational Therapist)

Ms Madhu Singh (Special Educator)

Ms Monika Misra (Special Educator)

Ms Ruchi Mishra (Coordinator)

Ms Ankita Shrivastava (Skill Trainer & Yoga Instructor)