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The Concept of Homeschooling for Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Is it even possible for me to teach my children at home?

You’re hardly the first parent to doubt their own abilities!

The good news is that you don’t need a teaching certificate to work as a homeschool instructor. All you need are some fantastic materials and a sense of optimism for the next year.

Are you thinking of homeschooling your kids right now, but you’re not sure where to begin? Do you want to know how it works? Then, this article is for you.

This article is a bird’s-eye view on homeschooling. It will provide you with the information needed to determine the best move for your family and child.

Most of us are only aware of one type of education. Which are the traditional system of textbooks, rows of desks, and standardized examinations. But, there are many different educational philosophies. One of the trends is Homeschooling.

“Every autistic person has some dash of genius in them”. And only the mother of the child can feel that. Or force themselves to feel that way, coz if it is not for you, who else is going to stand up for them.


Homeschooling is a trending progressive approach. It allows parents to educate their children at home rather than sending them to a mainstream public or private school.

Families choose to homeschool for many reasons. The Common reasons are differing religious or educational views and not being progressive. While the major reason is if your child has diverse needs.

Homeschooling allows parents to create their own curriculum and adjust their school schedule. Which helps to meet their family’s requirements, and even take learning on the road. That is why it’s so popular among young artists and Children on Autism Spectrum.


The Indian government recognizes each child’s “RIGHT TO EDUCATION” and values any efforts made in this direction.

The Indian judiciary system does not consider homeschooling to be in violation of any part or provision of the RTE 2009 (sections 18 and 19).

As a result, homeschooling is accepted in India!

The state government has established specific criteria for homeschooling in India in states where it is more accepted. Criteria such as the age at which students may sit for examinations.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer for every child and family. Homeschooling provides benefits that may be especially beneficial to students with ASD. Following are the benefits of Homeschooling:-

  • Allows parents to have total control over their child’s surroundings, schooling, and social interactions.
  • Provides a customized curriculum based on the child’s specific requirements, talents, and interests.
  • Adds more family time for their children as they learn and develop.
  • Academic advocacy and IEP meetings are no longer a burden.
  • Allows the child to take frequent pauses, avoid sensory stimuli, and avoid social difficulties
  • Provides a secure, stable, and nurturing atmosphere free of social pressures and problems.


  • Some parents feel imposter syndrome about teaching their child and need frequent Guidance and mentorship. But you can do this!
  • Parents need to budget for the coursework, extracurricular activities, field excursions or activities, and any more sources you might need for the classes.
  • Because of their new position as headteachers, homeschool parents have less time for themselves. As a result, homeschooling may be a significant lifestyle transition.

Watch this Webinar we conducted for the parents on the Topic of Homeschooling

Homeshooling Webinar for all the parents planning to get start with Homeschooling.- By Ms. Vandana Gautam


After assessing the benefits and drawbacks and conducting research, you determine that homeschooling is the best option.

You’re ready to get started. So, what’s next?

To begin, take a big breath. Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of materials and possibilities available. It’s all about beginning small and finding things out as you go when it comes to homeschooling. And, to assist you in getting started, here are the first few actions you should take:

1.  Work with fixations on a certain subject. Children with ASD are prone to obsessing about a single subject, such as elephants, cars, or sports. You should use these fixations to engage your special child as a parent or teacher.  Fixations provide insight into your child’s thoughts. Find a connection between your classes and your child’s current favorite topic.

2. Figure out how your child learns best interact, observe and try a different way of teaching. Visuals or activities or any other way in which he/she is comfortable. Figure out and decide how you prefer to teach
3. Share your authority with the ChildPutting your child in this organic leadership role aids in the development of critical thinking abilities. It can help you stay focused and determined to overcome obstacles. Allow your kid to choose a curriculum that contains themes that interest him or her.

4. Encourage social interaction in the actual world top thinking, if my child is able to interact in a real-world environment? This is an area where you may leverage your child’s topic-based fixations to build connections and improve development in real-world socializing.

5. Create & stick to a schedule, but taking frequent breaks will be beneficial to have a daily routine that is visible for your child to refer to. So create one. Routine and structure are helpful for children with ASD. so stick to it. Remember that your child will need regular intervals to relax, get sensory stimulation, or stop studying.

6. Incorporate some sports training or physical activities jumping, cycling, or swinging can help your child relax while still delivering the sensory input they need to sit still and learn. At Sunrise Learning, we have made sports training an integral part of the education system for children with diverse needs. Read our article on the importance of Sports training for people with diverse needs at http://www.sunriselearning.in/sports-training-an-integral-part-of-the-education-system-for-people-with-diverse-needs/

7. Get frequent mentorship and guidance taking on the challenge of homeschooling a child with autism is a major undertaking. And it’s critical that you don’t go through it alone. You will sometimes need help in selecting curriculum, classes, and record-keeping. We at Sunrise Learning support the concept of Homeschooling. We have observed that a curriculum specialist who knows the particular needs of children with ASD can send you in the correct direction toward programs and curriculums that will work for your unique teaching and learning experience.

Do not hesitate to ask for help to get started with Homeshooling Program. Drop us a mail at contactus@sunriselearning.in or know more about our Homeschooling program at http://www.sunriselearning.in/homeschooling-program-2/


You are the wisest person to teach your child, and you have the authority to do it.

But, if you decide to homeschool, here’s one more piece of advice: Begin with the basics. Over time, you’ll understand how your child likes to study and how you prefer to teach. You can experiment with your schedule and make changes as needed.

But, most, enjoy the experience, whether you choose to send your child to school or homeschool them. We should never take education for granted because it is wild and fascinating.

Know more about the Homeschooling program designed for parents by Sunrise learning here http://www.sunriselearning.in/homeschooling-program-2/

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