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Toilet training is a significant developmental milestone that cannot and must not be overlooked. “Patience is the secret to success.”

It also requires courage, humility, tenacity, and composure. Children are all unique. Every experience with potty training is unique.

Your young child can toilet train with the proper tools and toilet training essentials. Here are some of our preferred toilet training necessities.

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The majority of us as a Parent  might  be interested in learning why it is beneficial or necessary to attend festival celebrations-particularly for special children. Most Parents see this as a challenge as  their Child might react to the gathering. The celebrations have an element of spontaneity and hence can be unpredictable. Some parents may even take the option of missing school and keep the child home with them.

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April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. The day recognizes and spreads awareness for the rights of people with autism.
Every April, the entire world celebrates World Autism Month. It begins on April 2 with World Autism Awareness Day, which is also recognized by the United Nations.

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Homeschooling is a trending progressive approach. It allows parents to educate their children at home rather than sending them to a mainstream public or private school.

Families choose to homeschool for many reasons. The Common reasons are differing religious or educational views and not being progressive.

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According to research, special children are less likely to enroll in sports training. As a result, they are more prone to get childhood obesity.
Encouraging your special needs child to engage in sports training is a concern for parents. Parents and guardians get worried that their children may get injured.

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DR SHRUTI SINGH, Early Intervention Consultant & Pharmacologist (AIIMS) Blog compiled by MS ANVI MAHAJAN In the previous blog, we learnt about the importance of play, its different stages and types. Let’s understand how we can plan and structure play so that…

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Ms Devika Chugh, Counselor & Special Educator at SUNRISE LEARNING BEd (Special Education in ASD), MA Psychology, English Honors (Blog compilation by Ms Anvi Mahajan) Puberty is the period where an adolescent’s body begins to change and develop in the process of…

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