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Webinar on Making Adolescence easy for boys


On 9th January 2022
From 11:30 am to 1 pm
On Google Meet
Fees: FREE (but registration is mandatory)

Once you register (submit this form), the link to join the meeting will be shared on your email ID.

Dear parents of young boys (on the spectrum, or with related conditions)
If your little young man is aged 12-17 years,
and is trying to cope with his growing-up issues,
if he needs extra help & support,
and if you need guidance to help him through this tricky phase, this session is for you !!
And If your boy is between 8 to 12 years, and you would like to understand how to take him through the tunnel of adolescence smoothly & happily, this session is DEFINITELY for you !
Join us to learn from MS ANJALI DADA (Parent, Educator & Founder of SOCH), some of the most practical & doable strategies to make this puberty & adolescence journey worthwhile. . Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors