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The Essential Items for Toilet Training I The Ultimate Toilet Training Kit recommendations for Children on Spectrum
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Toilet training is a significant developmental milestone that cannot and must not be overlooked. “Patience is the secret to success.”

It also requires courage, humility, tenacity, and composure. Children are all unique. Every experience with potty training is unique.

Your young child can be toilet trained with the proper tools and toilet training essentials. Here are some of our preferred toilet training necessities.

Bathroom Must-Haves for Toilet Training

Potty chair

Stand-alone toilets come in a range of colors and well-known cartoon characters, and they are the ideal size for young learners.

Seat Reducer

A seat reduction (also known as a potty seat) sits on top of a regular toilet seat and shrinks it down to a child-friendly size. It is smaller and less expensive than a potty chair. The majority include vibrant patterns and a padded cushion for enhanced comfort.


The height of the big bowl of toilet seat can be intimidating. 

Your child can use a little plastic or wooden stool to get up onto a seat reducer and sit on the toilet. Additionally, it can assist your youngster get into the proper position for using the restroom while giving them a sense of security and stability.

The Essentials for Your Child’s Toilet Training

It’s crucial to outfit your child to use the toilet, in addition to selecting the right toilet. Here are the things you need for your toddler who is potty training, from encouraging underwear to readily detachable underpants.


Cool potty-training underpants and big kid underwear can be a major motivator in encouraging your child to stop wearing diapers.

Training underpants

Disposable and reusable/washable styles of potty-training underpants are available, and they’re made to make your youngster feel the moisture of the toilet (unlike a diaper). The wetness is held in such a way that it doesn’t seep through clothing, and children are able to tell when they need to go potty. While some families use training underpants as a crutch to delay the switch from diapers to underwear, for others, they are a crucial intermediate step in the toilet training process.

Training pants for using the toilet at night

A stretch of 8 to 10 hours during the course of the night is frequently too long for regular training underpants to endure. There are both disposable and reusable/washable varieties of training underwear for use at night that are more absorbent than those for use during the day.

Toilet Training Social Story book

There are a few toilet-training books available to help the process appear more normal and less frightening if your child is having difficulties grasping the fundamental concept of going potty, is terrified of the potty, or struggles to spend enough time on the toilet. Set aside one or two beloved children’s books or toys.

You can access the learning social stories of SUNRISE LEARNING, from the TELEGRAM FREE RESOURCES FOR PARENTS &EDUCATORS

To get our Toilet Training social story book (hard copy), please contact us at bookmyorder@sunriselearning.in

We feel the article, 6 Signs Your Child Is Ready to Start Toilet Training, would be of interest for you. 

If you still find this whole process overwhelming and are still confused how and when to start, don’t worry. 

We have curated a course especially for parents like you. 

This course guides parents and carers on how to toilet train young children.

The procedures and approach for toilet training are taught in this course. The course divides toilet training into simple, understandable, and achievable sections and offers a wealth of ideas and advice based on first-hand experience.

If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to write to us at contactus@suniselearning.in

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