About AAC Course (augmentative and alternative communication)

A person can utilise a variety of tools and techniques known as augmentative and alternative communication to address common communication problems. There are many ways to communicate, including through speech, a gaze that is exchanged, text, gesture, facial expression, touch, sign language, symbols, images, speech-generating equipment, etc.

When we utilise written material to aid our understanding or when we gesture, everyone uses AAC at some point. For toddlers and teenagers who have not yet acquired spoken language, AAC may lessen frustration and aid in mending damaged communication.

You will learn about several AAC choices in this course that may help you and your child or young person communicate. It will present some important messages to consider. The information will also look at a few AAC myths that may act as roadblocks for families and professionals just beginning their AAC journeys. Finally, you will be directed to additional websites or sources of information as well as to our organisation, which will help you introduce AAC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers for AAC

What does AAC mean?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
• Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) includes all modes of expression (apart from oral speech) for ideas, needs, and wants.

What is AAC and why is it used?

AAC stands for all non-verbal forms of communication. If they struggle with their speech or language, people of all ages can use AAC. To add to someone’s speech is to use the augmentation technique. Speech should be replaced by other ways. Some people utilise AAC all their lives.

What is an example of AAC?

AAC Systems (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). Unaided Communication Systems: These are tools that make it possible to communicate using only body language. Gestures, eye contact, vocalisations, sign language, and facial expressions are some examples.

How can AAC help individuals with a disability?

AAC may be helpful for anyone with a disability who finds it challenging to communicate. Some people only require AAC temporarily, while others may require it for the rest of their life. AAC enables an individual to communicate their needs and desires and to take a more active role in decisions that have an impact on their lives.

When should I start AAC?

Research has shown that giving children with disabilities including autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other developmental delays access to AAC as early as 16 months of age is beneficial.

Who is AAC for?

Anyone, to put it simply.

Everybody uses AAC occasionally to help with communication. Nevertheless, AAC should be taken into account for a kid or young person when:
Speech is absent or of poor quality.
Speech is slurred and incomprehensible
The growth of language requires further assistance.
AAC can help with social advancement.

Anyone who has trouble speaking should have access to AAC.
For kids, teenagers, families, friends, and environments, the early adoption of AAC can lessen frustration and take away the burden of communicating.

Although vocal discourse may not always be the aim, effective communication can always be the goal.